
贴在 2023年5月17日星期三

分离的观众 relate to 针对 strategies w在这里 t在这里 is no ability to directly link a publisher's audience to the advertiser’s audience. 在这个领域,语境定位是规则


Unlinked solutions rely on publishers and their environment to allow advertisers to target relevant audiences. 在本节中, 我们将探讨卖方定义的受众(sda), 以及上下文和注意力解决方案. Available solutions differ in their approach to how 针对 parameters are produced, however all solutions can exist in parallel to linked audiences or an unlinked approach can be used as stand-alone solution. A core benefit is that an unlinked approach will be viable regardless of what happens in the regulatory space in relation to third-party cookie alternatives. 工具包括……


Seller-Defined观众 (SDA) is a solution that was created within IAB Tech Lab’s Project Rearc initiative. It is a technical specification that outlines a method for first-party data providers - including publishers and DMPs - to communicate the audience profile of a user to an advertiser, 以一种隐私安全的方式,不使用标识符.

SDA is an exciting solution for publishers as it enables them to maintain ownership of, 并将其货币化, 他们宝贵的第一方数据.


  1. A publisher or data management platform (DMP) creates audience segments based on their first-party data, 每个观众群体都有一个群体ID
    • 关于段的元数据通过数据标签提供, 其中包括数据来源等信息, 数据近因, 使用的同意机制, 和更多的
    • IAB技术实验室提供 数据透明度标准合规计划 that works to third-party verify the data labels, which instils trust from the buyside
  2. The segment ID is then sent to the demand side platform (DSP) via OpenRTB
  3. 然后,数字电视服务提供商可以选择是否对这种印象和受众进行竞标


通过使用sda, 卖家对自己的数据有了更多的透明度和控制权, which can lead to more trust and collaboration between publishers and advertisers. The quality of SDAs depends on the quality of the first-party data that sellers collect and segment, 这取决于发行商的数据策略, 规模, 和能力 


This is an age-old technique w在这里 advertisers target ads towards people based on the content or characteristics of a web page or environment, 而不是用户数据. This means that audiences are completely anonymous via a pure contextual approach. 您还可以获得增强的上下文环境, which include factors such as the sentiment of a web page or the physical context of the user. 上下文的目标 工具 include GumGum, Adsquare, Seedtag, Covatic and Integral Ad Science. 通过我们的上下文定位指南了解更多信息 在这里


作为纯粹的语境 针对 不依赖于任何个人数据, 饼干, 标识符或设备信息, advertisers don’t need to be concerned about compliance with data protection laws - although be aware that enhanced contextual strategies can use some forms of personal data. 

上下文定位也非常有效, with studies suggesting that context is a key factor in how an ad is received and performs. 然而, 广告频率上限, creative personalisation and measurement are more limited via a pure contextual 针对 approach. 



注意 是一个正在生成的主体吗 有很多争论 within our industry – from how it should be defined to utilising it alongside other metrics. The premise is axiomatically that ads that are not seen have no impact. Measures such as reach/frequency and viewability are indirect proxies for whether users had seen the advertising.

注意 solutions generally fall into two categories: proxies derived from engagement and proxies derived from eye-tracking. 参与ment proxies use browser behaviour to augment viewability such as mouse motion, or the potential time an ad was viewable to create a predicted attention metrics. Eye-tracking proxies use camera tracking to measure ‘eyes on the screen’ in either a natural panel or laboratory setting. A combination of tags measuring browsing environment and eye-tracking data are fed into models to predict eye-tracked user attention.

因为这两种方法都不依赖于任何用户标识符, attention solutions can exist in parallel or as standalone of linked approaches.   注意 solutions can be incorporated into campaign workflows through combinations of creative measurement, 媒体测量和活动激活.


As 注意是一个新生产品, t在这里 isn’t a universal understanding of what constitutes it and how to best measure it. Often attention is deployed in a test and learn framework alongside existing measurement strategies to understand the value. 广泛的, 你的沟通就会获得更多的消费者关注, 你就越有可能实现跨购买渠道的转变. 了解更多关于 注意力作为度量标准.


  • Unlinked approaches do not require the exchange of any user identifiers between the various parts of the ad tech ecosystem
  • SDAs leverage publisher segmentation and OpenRTB to communicate first-party audiences to the demand side
  • Contextual approaches leverage the content being browsed to provide 针对 signals to increase relevancy between advertiser and user
  • 注意 is an emerging field using browser interactions or eye-tracking data to move beyond viewability as a proxy for ad impact

目标定位的未来 & 测量

随着第三方标识符越来越过时, what options do advertisers have when it comes to 针对 and measuring their online audiences? We explore what’s happened to date and guide you through the strategies available.







2023年第四季度:来自CMA的更新 & 谷歌的隐私沙盒





支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.