针对 & 度量:到目前为止的故事

贴在 2022年9月1日星期四 | IAB英国

了解更多 about what third-party cookies are used for, 为什么它们被弃用,而替代的目标和度量策略正在被开发

在浏览器, 第三方cookie已经在Mozilla的Firefox和苹果的Safari上被弃用,并将于2024年在谷歌的Chrome上逐步淘汰. 在移动, Apple’s changes to its Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) 已经影响了应用程序如何在iOS中通过服务盈利,并强调了与人们有效沟通的重要性,这是免费网络的核心价值交换. Android Advertising IDs (AAIDs) are also set to be 被谷歌淘汰

So, as our industry develops new ways to target and measure online, how far have we come? 我们还需要做什么? 这里我们列出了迄今为止发生的事情. 



Cookies are a small piece of code that are stored on a user’s browser when they visit a website. They are used to recognise and remember a user when they visit 和n revisit a website. Cookies work exclusively in a web browser environment. 移动广告标识符, 或女佣, are used in the in-app environment – offering a similar functionality to cookies.

It’s important to underst和 difference between first and third-party cookies. A first-party cookie is dropped by the domain owner (i.e. the website being visited) and only functions within that domain, w在这里as a third-party cookie is dropped by an entity that doesn’t own the domain. 它们目前在整个数字生态系统中被利用,通过广告瞄准用户,并衡量活动的表现(以及其他功能)。. 类似的, maid是一种匿名id,可以让广告商追踪整个iOS应用生态系统中的个人用户, 不管应用环境如何. IDFA是苹果iOS中的MAID. 



In 2017, Apple was the first to implement anti-tracking measures within the Safari browser. Mozilla followed shortly after, and third-party cookies are now obsolete within Safari and Firefox. 2020年1月, Google announced that it would also deprecate third-party cookies within Chrome by 2022 (现在延长到2024年),并引入了隐私沙盒(Privacy Sandbox),“以创造既能保护人们在线隐私,又能给公司和开发者提供工具,以建立蓬勃发展的数字业务的技术”。. Given that Chrome is by far the most dominant browser globally, it was this announcement that made wider changes inevitable. 从那以后,行业内就有了很大的发展势头,即开发不涉及第三方标识符的在线定位和测量替代策略, while maintaining 广告商’ ability to serve relevant advertising.

谷歌(Google)和苹果(Apple)等公司给出的逐步淘汰第三方cookie和标识符的理由之一,是希望创造更注重隐私的在线环境, and privacy is a much discussed topic in the digital advertising industry. 然而,注意这一点很重要 “隐私”是一个非常主观的术语 这, 从根本上, 使用cookie(以及任何其他类似的基于设备的信息或标识符)或个人数据必须遵守数据保护和电子隐私立法. 

彩乐园dsn行业对隐私的关注反映了近年来立法对数据保护的更大关注. 欧盟修订的数据保护立法, 的GDPR, became law in 2016 and has been in force in the UK since 2018. 英国脱欧后,英国法律将其保留为 英国GDPR 和 Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) have governed the use of cookies and other similar technologies in the UK since 2003. As well as greater regulatory scrutiny of how data is collected, used and shared for digital advertising purposes, 研究表明 that consumers are increasingly aware of how their personal data is used online. 

Changes relating to data-privacy have also been made beyond the browser environment. 最重要的是,苹果发布了iOS 14.5 gave users the option to block the IDFA identifier at an app level, with significant implications for 广告商 and developers. 更多信息 在这里

在Android平台上,谷歌推出了一款 专注于移动设备的隐私沙盒 2022年发展“新”, 更多的私人广告解决方案将限制与第三方共享用户数据,并在没有跨应用标识符的情况下运行, 包括广告ID”. It states that this will be “a multi-year initiative” and says: “While we design, 构建并测试这些新的解决方案, we plan to support existing ads platform features for at least two years, and we intend to provide substantial notice ahead of any future changes.” 



在所有这些变化中, it’s important to underst和 valuable role that identifiers play in powering our ad-funded, 的免费网络. 在他们的核心, 可行的目标定位和测量解决方案必须以符合数据保护和电子隐私法的方式实施. 除了, 他们还需要平衡当前对如何使用不同或减少的数据和标识符实现结果的强调, 现实是,广告资助的数字内容依赖于相关的目标定位和准确的测量. 

Advertisers use identifiers to identify audiences they want to reach online, 使他们的广告更有效, 对用户来说也更相关. It’s significant that, according to IAB Europe, 75%欧洲人 说他们从相关的, 有针对性的广告和同样比例的人更愿意维持一个广告资助的互联网——完全有针对性——而不是为访问在线内容付费.

As well as being able to measure the effectiveness of an ad, brands can also use identifiers to frequency cap their ads. Without this capability, 广告商 will have no way of stopping ad bombardment, severely damaging the online experience for people. 这也意味着,品牌商反复向同一用户投放相同的广告是在浪费钱.

The challenge now is to develop alternative ways of targeting, 测量和限制在线广告的频率,这些广告不会破坏广告资助的网络的经济可行性——确保我们的数字生态系统仍然是广告资助的, 多元开放. 我们的首席营销官詹姆斯·钱德勒总结了这一平衡 在这里

虽然实现这一点并不简单, 和re is much talk of ‘the loss of cookies’, we at the IAB believe that our industry has a huge opportunity. 通过创建目标和测量解决方案,在设计上符合当前的数据保护法, rather than retrofitting pre-existing strategies to keep pace with changes in this space, we can create a more functional digital ecosystem that works for all parties - consumers, 广告商, 媒体所有者. Rather than focusing on the loss of third-party cookies, 我们敦促整个行业专注于通过开拓新的在线定位和衡量方式来获得什么. 


针对 & 度量策略适合未来 

有很多不同的目标 测量策略 -不使用第三方cookie -已经存在或正在开发中. While these are often billed as alternatives to third-party cookies, 重要的是要认识到,不太可能有一种放之四海而皆准的方法来填补第三方cookie目前提供的功能范围. 我们的行业必须以不同的方式思考,以制定新的策略,并为广告商提供一系列选择,以瞄准和衡量浏览器和应用内的消费者. 

展望未来, 当涉及到在线定位和测量时,可能会有一个粒度范围. 有些环境是完全匿名的, 其他的是完全可寻址的, and some will allow for addressability at an aggregate or group level. 因此,营销人员了解正在开发的不同类型的解决方案是至关重要的. 

IAB技术实验室启动了Project Rearc,以响应第三方cookie和其他标识符的弃用(或限制), being disrupted by consumer privacy approaches taken by browsers, 操作系统, 以及全球范围内新的隐私法规. 在一个非常广泛的层面上, these strategies currently fall into three groups – linked, browser/operating system-linked and unlinked solutions.



由IAB技术实验室创造, “链接受众”与定位策略有关,其中出版商和广告商受众可以使用标识符直接链接-例如与个人建立1:1连接的标记化电子邮件地址. 


这描述了浏览器或操作系统是连接发布者和广告商数据的唯一可能实体的环境. Options in this space include Privacy Sandbox’s 主题 and Apple’s SKAdNetwork. 这两种情况, 使用隐私增强技术(pet)可以在不依赖于1:1标识符的情况下重现一些核心功能定位和测量技术.


“无关联受众”指的是无法将发布者的受众与广告商的受众直接联系起来的定位策略,因此当孤立使用这种方法时,广告商无法在个人层面上识别用户. The capabilities of seller defined audiences (SDAs), 上下文, and attention solutions have emerged in the absence of identifiers.


目标定位的未来 & 测量

With third-party identifiers becoming increasingly obsolete, what options do 广告商 have when it comes to targeting and measuring their online audiences? We explore what’s happened to date and guide you through the strategies available.






资源 to help you get ready for cookie deprecation


IAB Tech Lab releases results of Privacy Sandbox gap analysis


2023年第四季度:来自CMA的更新 & 谷歌的隐私沙盒


Google to test new cross-site tracking feature on Chrome



支持连接而不是点击. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.